Tale of a Lake

Knowledge/Nature, Finland 2016

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Mist-covered shores, untouched landscapes and water worlds that we may never have seen before. The mighty glaciers of the Ice Age created 190,000 lakes in Finland. The crystal clear lakes are the habitat of countless animals that we can meet in this documentary. Playful otters raising their young or majestic swans migrating through the water. Rare frogs that were the first animals ever to live on land. Toads that have the ability to hibernate in water and can live up to 50 years. And herds of elk that migrate along ancient routes to other pastures in the spring so that there will be enough food for everyone in the summer. THE MAGIC LAKE is a journey into an enchanting nature with images of rarely seen beauty that will be unforgettable for all. We see and hear ancient legends about the mysterious origins of Finland's countless lakes, about the myths about the guardian spirits and mythical creatures that have always accompanied nature ... and also many interesting and newly discovered things about a diverse animal and plant world.
77 min
Starting at 5
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Panu Aaltio


Marko Röhr

Original title:

Järven tarina

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 5

Audio language:
