Dieste [Uruguay]

Everyday life/Society, Germany 2017

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A film documentation of 29 buildings by the Uruguayan architect and shell builder Eladio Dieste (1917-2000). The film was shot in Uruguay and Spain in November 2015. As prologue three buildings by Julio Vilamajó (1894-1948). Eladio Dieste's innovations and alternative construction techniques were for a long time superior in their efficiency to conventional construction methods and allowed large spans with an appearance never seen before. Today he is considered an outstanding engineering construction artist. His writings on architecture and construction, his reflections on design and the relationship between architecture and art show him to be a profound thinker of a social architectural practice.
96 min
Starting at 6

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Heinz Emigholz

Original title:

Dieste [Uruguay]

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6